Regardless of whether you have had a Facebook account for one year or more than ten years, always useful to spend a little time to clean up your profile at least once or twice a year. When you do this, your friends and followers will be easier to find interesting and inviting information.
Why is it important to clear your Facebook profile?
You have to clear your profile, because:
Your profile image and/or photograph on the cover may be old.
Your friend list can include people to whom you no longer want to connect.
Your profile may contain outdated information.
Your introductory section at the front of your profile can contain outdated information.
You may have inappropriate status updates/publications, messages you’ve been tagged, or messages from friends that appear on your timeline.
You can have too much inappropriate photos in the “Photos”.
Your privacy settings may be stronger.
You can get too much of unnecessary notifications.
To your profile looked as good as ever, and to reduce unnecessary or outdated information, consider some of the following tips to clean up the Facebook profile.
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Updating Your Profile Picture and Cover Photo.
Your profile picture and cover – are the first two things that people see when they look at your profile. If one or both are obsolete for a year or longer, try updating your profile and adding a few new photos, which are high quality and visually appealing.
Adding a new profile picture or the cover as shown in the news feeds of your friends, reminds them that you are still active on Facebook, and can entice them to visit your profile.
Unfriendly or unsubscribe from inappropriate friends.
If your news feed is filled with information from the people with whom you are not related or are not interested, it’s time to think about how to remove from friends or even unsubscribe from some of them. This will help clear your newsfeed of posts from friends you do not want or do not want to see.
Just click on the tab Friends and click Friends next to any other, to select Cancel friendship if you want more to connect to it. If you want to stay friends, but did not want to see any of their posts in your stream of news, you need to go to their profile and click the “Next” button at the top of their profile, to change it to unsubscribe from the signature Name…..
Update your information on Facebook.
When was the last time you searched a section about us in your profile on Facebook? This is the section where friends can see where you work or go to school, where you live, your contact information, your personal information (eg, birthdays) the status of your relationship, and more.
You may have changed jobs, moved, or entered into a new relationship with the last update of this section of your profile. Consider removing outdated information and adding new relevant information.
Tip: You can set the visibility of each of the information you add to the section about us. Just look for the arrow icon dropdown list Privacy to set its visibility Public Friends, Only I, or User.
Update your introductory section.
Your introductory section is similar to the public a small snapshot of the section About Us, which is displayed below the image of your profile in your profile. You can add a short biography, up to nine favorite photos, a website or links to social networks, as well as any information about yourself available to the public.
If you have updated information about yourself that you want to publish in the last step, see Introduction should reflect these changes. The remaining two pieces of information that you need to update are your biography and your favorite photos.
Remove extraneous posts that appear on your timeline.
Your timeline on your profile will show a combination of messages you have made (for example, status updates, and links), posts you’ve shared directly on your timeline by friends, and possibly messages on which you were awarded your friends if you have it enabled.
It’s a good idea to review your most recent posts on the Timeline to hide or delete unwanted messages. You can do this by selecting the three horizontal dots in the upper right corner of each post and selecting Hide from Timeline or Delete.
Remove tags, delete, hide or change the visibility of your photos.
Any public photos you’ve shared or photos marked with your friends will be displayed under Photos in your profile. To clear this section, you can:
Cut yourself off from photos
Remove, hide or change the appearance of some of your own photo messaging
Remove, hide or change the appearance of some of your own albums
Limit the visibility of all the photos you’ve been tagged by going to Settings>TimeLine and Mark and changing. Who can see the recording which you marked on your timeline? Friends, friends of friends, only me or custom.
You can much easier manage your photos on the tab “Photos” because it divides them into three sections: Your Photos (Photos tagged), your photos (including profile pictures), and Albums.
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